Trade Name Information
Trade Names, Sole Proprietorship, or "Doing Business As"
A trade name is a fictitious name under which business is transacted, sometimes referred to as "doing business as" or "d/b/a". A trade name can be registered by: (1) one individual; (2) a group of individuals; or (3) a business organization registered with the Secretary of the State.
A trade name is not a business organization and provides no liability protection itself. It does not protect that business name from use by someone else. A trade name merely provides public notice that an individual or individuals are conducting business under an assumed name or that a business organization is conduction business under a name that is different than the name under which it is registered with the Secretary of the State.
Where to File
A trade name is filed with the local town clerk where the business is primarily transacted. Fire individuals, this is the address you provide on the trade name application.
Domestic businesses (formed with the CT Secretary of the State), file in the town of your "business address" on file with the Secretary. That is also the address you should list on the trade name application.
Foreign businesses (formed elsewhere but registered with the CT Secretary of the State), use the business's principal location in CT or, if none, the town of your resident agent.
Secretary of the State Website for Businesses:
Filings are accepted up until 30 minutes prior to closing.
Fees to file
When you deliver the trade name application to the town clerk, you must pay a $20 filing fee, plus a $3 certified copy fee payable to the Bethel Town Clerk. The method of payment is CASH or CHECK only.
Links to Fillable Forms
Natural Persons (Sole Proprietorship/DBA)
Addendum: Tree or More Persons on DBA
Instructions (Sole Proprietorship/DBA)
Business Organizations (LLC., INC.)
Instructions (Business Organizations LLC., INC.)
**Under the new law, all trade names will expire 5 years from the date they are filed. Trade names existing prior to January 1, 2025, will expire on December 31, 2029.**