First Selectman's Office


 The Office

The First Selectman's Office, situated just inside the front door of the Clifford J. Hurgin Municipal Center, is usually the first stop for residents. Here, they are given essential information, such as directions to the appropriate departments in the building, names of local governmental officials, dates of events and a general overview of the services of the Town of Bethel. The responsibilities of the office are found in the Connecticut General Statutes and the Town of Bethel Charter.

 Our Chief Official

The First Selectman has a wide variety of duties and responsibilities in his role as the chief elected official. He is most visible as the chairman of the Board of Selectmen and the Public Utilities Commission, but he is also an ex officio member of all town boards and commissions. Other duties include representing the town of the Housatonic Valley Council of Elected Officials, the Housatonic Resource Recovery Authority, and other organizations. As Chief Executive Officer, the First Selectman has the authority to act on behalf of the townspeople in signing contracts and proclamations.