Payment Methods
Pay in Person
Tax bills may be paid at the counter in the Tax Collector's Office using cash or check.
Pay at Newtown Savings Bank
For your convenience, Newtown Saving Bank located at Dolan Plaza and Stony Hill will be accepting Real Estate, Personal Property & Motor Vehicle tax payments for the month of October. Please see below for additional information.
• Taxpayers must have their Tax bill present upon making payment or a printout of their taxes due.
• Acceptable payment methods: Personal/Business Checks & Bank Checks only. If you wish to pay with cash or make a withdrawal from your existing NSB account, the funds will be drawn into a Bank Check prior to processing.
Pay by Drop Box
Payments in the form of check can be dropped off in the yellow drop box located in the front of the Municipal Building. (NO CASH)
Pay Online
Bethel taxpayers may pay their real estate, personal property and motor vehicle taxes online. Online credit card, debit card and E-Check payments can also be made at our convenient self-service customer terminal located inside the Tax Collector's office.
There is a service fee 2.99%, with a minimum of $3.95 for credit card and debit card transactions. There is a $0.95 flat fee for direct withdrawal from your checking account via E-Check.
Pay by Phone
Make a payment (credit card or e-check) by phone or check your account balance 24/7 with our automated phone service. Call (855) 329-3811. Your bill number can be found online using the online tax inquiry link.
There is a service fee 2.99%, with a minimum of $3.95 for credit card and debit card transactions. There is a $0.95 flat fee for direct withdrawal from your checking account via ECheck. There is an additional $0.95 flat fee for all transactions made with pay by phone.
Pay by Mail
Tax payments may be mailed to:
Bethel Tax Collector
P.O Box 274
Bethel, CT 06801
**Delinquent Motor Vehicle Taxes**
If you have delinquent Motor Vehicle taxes and need your name cleared with the DMV, please notify the Tax Collector's office. Be aware that payments MUST be made either in person with cash, cashier's check, money order OR online with a card (not an E-check) in order to obtain a tax release.
**If you choose to pay your delinquent Motor Vehicle taxes online and need DMV clearance; please contact the Tax Office at: 203-794-8509 AFTER making your online payment with a card, so that we may verify your payment and clear your name.
DMV releases are all done electronically. There are NO paper releases issued. For more information, call: (203) 794-8509.