Residential Property Only

There is a $2 fee payable by check to "Town of Bethel" and mailed or dropped off at the Fire Marshal's Office (or dropped in the yellow box in front of Town Hall) 1 School St Bethel CT. The Fire Marshal will visit the property to inspect the pile prior to issuing. The issued permit may be emailed to you as well.


Permit is required for burning of twigs and branches ONLY up to 3” in diameter. The pile can be a maximum of 3’ wide by 3’ high by 5’ long. A feeder pile can be used. Burning may occur between 10am and 5pm. No Burning is allowed until after a permit has been issued and is on hand at the address.


I declare I am the resident of the address on this form and I will abide by the regulations on the Official Burn Permit. *

* - denotes required field