Public Utilities

The Bethel Public Utilities Department is responsible for the operation and maintenance of the Town of Bethel's public water system and sewer collection system and includes the Bethel Water and Sewer Departments. Staff consists of a Director, Operations Supervisor, Chief Water Treatment Plant Operator and 5 Utility Maintainers. 

The Public Utilities Department is governed by the Public Utilities Commission which meets on the second Thursday of the month at 3:30pm in Room A at the Municipal Center. 

Please go to the Public Works Department page for information related to Highways, Town Engineer, Transfer Station and Tree Warden. 


Pay Water & Sewer Bills



Recent revisions to the Lead & Copper Rule require Bethel Water Department to prepare an inventory of all water service pipe materials in our system - both the Water Department portion and the customer portion.  You can assist us greatly by identifying the type of pipe that enters your home or business by following the steps outlined below.  
Please send an email with your address, type of pipe and a photo of the pipe to  If you would like assistance or need a Bethel Water Department employee to verify the type of pipe at no cost to you, please call us at 203-794-8549 or send us an email to set up an appointment.