Transfer Station


Household waste “scale” customers will be required to deposit items on the scale for weighing, remove items and place them into trailer. Please keep your household waste items at a weight that you can handle. Transfer Station attendant will be present at the scale. Only residents with a current Town of Bethel Transfer Station permit will be allowed to use the Transfer Station.

Please Note: No construction debris is accepted at the Bethel Transfer Station. All household remodeling debris must be taken to Oak Ridge at 307 White Street, Danbury.

The Transfer Station Permits are renewed every January. To obtain the annual permit, please stop by the Town Clerk's office or fill out the permit application here and a permit will be mailed to you beginning on December 15th. The Transfer Station is open only to Bethel Residents with a valid permit to use this facility.

Any questions can be directed to the Transfer Station at 203-778-7436.


Bethel's NEW Food Scrap Program