Park & Recreation

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Mission Statement
The Park and Recreation Department provides Bethel residents the opportunity to participate in a wide variety of active and passive activities for pre-school age through senior citizens. Among the benefits offered to our citizens through our department, are to teach vital life skills, build family unity, reduce stress, provide safe places to play, build self-esteem, create memories and to provide space to enjoy nature and increase community pride. The benefits are endless…

The department has six full-time employees and up to 60 part-time and seasonal employees, and utilizes a number of resources for program and facility information. Cooperative efforts with many volunteer groups, civic organizations and local businesses contribute to both the quality and quantity of programs and facilities available to the townspeople.

The Parks and Recreation Commission is responsible for identifying and evaluating the recreation needs of the people of Bethel. The Commission makes recommendations for programs and handles annual budget requests. In the last 25 years, the Commission has pursued its goal to employ the leisure time of the people in a constructive and wholesome manner. They have accomplished this by providing programs that meet the needs and interests of all residents, regardless of age, physical ability or financial status.
