Health Department

The Town of Bethel Department of Health is currently assessing damage to wells caused by Sodium Chloride Runoff stemming from the use of salts on roadways and parking lots for snow and ice removal. Please click here to find the reporting form should this be applicable to you.


Our Vision, Mission & Goal

Unlike health care, if we are able to do our job, you'll never know we were there.

Healthy People in Healthy Communities
Promote Physical and Mental Health and Prevent Disease, Injury, and Disability
Serve as the main access point for Public Health service in the community and to provide public health protection to all Bethel citizens. This includes emergency preparedness and response.


  • Prevent epidemics and the spread of disease

  • Protect against environmental hazards

  • Prevent injuries

  • Promote and encourage healthy behaviors

  • Respond to disasters and assist communities in recovery

  • Assure the quality and accessibility of health services