Town Clerk FAQs


 How can I reach the Fairfield County Extension Service?

Call 203-207-8440

(who run the Route 6 Farmers' Market)

 How do I reach you from I-84; Rt. 58; Rt. 53?

From Waterbury and Points East:
Take Exit 9. At the end of the ramp, turn left. Go to the light. Take a right onto Rt. 6. At the next light, take a left onto Old Hawleyville Road. Go to the very end and take a right onto Rt. 302. Go into town (several miles). Before you cross the railroad tracks take a right onto Library Place. Go one block. On the right will be a large old school, now the Municipal Center.

Parking is on School Street or in the rear parking lot - take a left onto Wooster St. at the end of School and a left into the lot. The front entrance is on School Street. Inside the front doors, the Town Clerk's office will be to the left, around the corner.

From NY:
Take Exit 9. At the end of the ramp, turn right. Go to the light. Take a right onto Rt. 6. At the next light, take a left onto Old Hawleyville Road. Follow the directions as above from here on.

From Rt. 58:
Go to the end of Rt. 58, where it comes into Bethel. Take a left onto Rt. 302. Follow the directions as above from here.

From Rt. 53 (near Sycamore restaurant intersection):
At the intersection (Rt. 53 and Rt. 302), take a left onto Rt. 302. After you go over the railroad tracks take your immediate left onto Library Place. Follow the directions as above.

 What hours are you open?

Monday - Wednesday: 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM
Thursday: 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Friday: 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM

 Who can I contact regarding Veteran's Hall?

(the memorial/educational hall outside our office)

Call Charles E. "Skip" Clapp at (203) 744-6870.