Building Permit Fees

Demolition: $35.00 or 1% of assessed value, whichever is greater.

Schedule of Permit Fees
REVISED 9/1/2023

  1. ALL Building Permits: Based on the estimated construction cost - $25.26 for 1st $1,000.00 and $8.26 for each additional $1,000 or part thereof. This includes the .26 per thousand of the estimated cost for the State Educational Fund.
  2. Amended Plan Review Fee (each occurrence)- $100.00. This fee is to be charged when a plan is reviewed, and then applicant decides to substantially revise the plans being submitted, thus requiring an entirely new plan review to be performed.
  3. Re-inspection fee for incomplete work - $100.00. This is for the person who makes no attempt to correct items noted, or work scheduled to be inspected is not complete, or when an individual scheduled to meet the inspector on site for inspection fails to be there. No further inspections will be done unless re-inspection fee is paid to the Building Department. If no re-inspection fees are paid and work continues, the project will be assigned a STOP WORK ORDER, and the matter turned over to Town Counsel for abatement.


NOTE: After any inspection, the Building Official has the authority to Stop Work completely on the project until the project owner presents to the Building Department plans for compliance  which will remedy inspection failures. This may require the services of an architect, structural engineer, soils engineer, or other required professional.