Absentee Ballots
Absentee Voting Information
The Town Clerk administers absentee ballots and any questions about absentee ballots can be directed to their office.
Connecticut law allows you to receive an absentee ballot if, in your judgment, an absence from your town on Election Day prevents you from appearing at your polling place, or you are preventing from appearing at your assigned polling place on Election Day because of sickness or physical disability (not necessarily your sickness or disability), active service in the Military, religious tenets forbid secular activity on the day of the election, duties as an election official at a polling place other than your own during all of the hours of voting. See the updated information to the Absentee Ballot law via this LINK
Absentee Ballots become available 30 days prior to an Election; three weeks prior to a Primary, and only in office (cannot be mailed) following the Town Meeting for a Referendum.
To have the Absentee Ballot mailed to you, visit the online application portal which is delivered to the Town Clerk electronically, or download the form below and return it to the Town Clerk's office. You may mail it, drop it in the ballot box, or walk it in. This only applies to Elections and Primaries; Referenda is in person only.